Manuscripts Under Review
- "Estimating biases in smoking cessation: Evidence from a field experiment" (with Frank J. Chaloupka IV, Matthew R. Levy) [NBER Working Paper No. 26522]
- “Cost of living variation for fresh fruits and vegetables in the US and implications for nutrition incentive programs” (with Idriss Tsafack I, Matthew Harding, Sanjay Basu, Hilary Seligman).
- “Acceptability and feasibility of the BEhavioral EConomics for Oral health iNnovation (BEECON) Trial from parent and Early Head Start staff perspectives" (with Tracy L. Finlayson, Jenny X. Liu, Jeremiah R. Garza, Bonnie Jue, Helen Lindau, Stuart A. Gansky, and Francisco Ramos-Gomez). Revise and resubmit.
- “Effects of a sugar-sweetened beverage sales ban on employee health and mechanisms” (with Andrea Pedroza-Tobias, Laurie M. Jacobs, Cindy W. Leung, Laura A. Schmidt).
- “The 2021 Child Tax Credit expansion and perinatal health: A quasi-experimental study in two national data sets” (with Deborah Karasek, Daniel F. Collin, Guangyi Wang, Rita Hamad)
- “Residential segregation and colorectal cancer screening in the United States, 2010-2018” (with Eduardo J. Santiago-Rodriguez, Salma Shariff-Marco, Zinzi D. Bailey, Isabel E. Allen, Robert A. Hiatt). Revise and resubmit.
- “Retailer perceptions of California’s statewide sales restriction on flavored tobacco: Lessons from qualitative interviews with tobacco retailers across four diverse jurisdictions” (with Morgan M. Philbin, Zena Dhatt, Tianna Jacques, Rafael Colonna, Elizabeth Andersen-Rodgers). Revise and resubmit.
- "Effect of tobacco sales bans on retail sales in Beverly Hills and Manhattan Beach, California, USA: A synthetic difference-in-differences analysis" (with Nita Mukand, Wendy Max, Rafael Colonna, Elizabeth Andersen-Rodgers)
- "Taxing volume, targeting sugar: A framework and empirical assessment of excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages” (with Scott Kaplan)
- “Motivation and engagement of peer mentors in a text- messaging intervention for smoking cessation” (with Patrick Yuan, J. Lee Westmaas, Séverine Toussaert, Johannes Thrul, Joan Hilton)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Wells WM, White JS, Collin DF, Wang G, Modrek S, Hamad R. “Effects of U.S. state paid family leave policies on perinatal and postpartum health: A quasi-experimental analysis.” American Journal of Epidemiology. Published online ahead of print. [Supplementary appendix]
- White JS, Atherwood S, Apollonio DE. “Effect of a minimum floor price law for tobacco products on tobacco sales in Oakland, California, USA: A synthetic difference-in-differences analysis.” Tobacco Control. Published online ahead of print. [Supplemental appendix]
- Dore EC, Wright E, White JS, Hamad R. “Methods used to evaluate the health effects of social polices: A systematic review.” Current Epidemiology Reports 12(4): 1-15, 2025. [Supplemental appendix 1] [Supplemental appendix 2]
- White JS, Toussaert S, Raiff BR, Salem MK, Chiang AY, Crane D, Warrender E, Lyles CR, Abroms L, Westmaas JL, Thrul J. “Evaluating the impact of a game (Inner Dragon) on user engagement within a leading smartphone app for smoking cessation: A randomized controlled trial.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 26: e57839, 2024. [Supplemental appendix] [Study protocol] [Data] [Press release]
- Wang G, Hamad R, White JS. “Advances in difference-in-differences methods for policy evaluation research.” Epidemiology 35(5): 628-637, 2024. [Supplemental appendix] [Stata code 1] [Stata code 2]
- Kaplan S, White JS, Madsen KA, Basu S, Villas-Boas S, Schillinger D. “Evaluation of changes in prices and purchases following implementation of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes across the US.” JAMA Health Forum 5(1): e234737, 2024. [Supplemental appendix] [Press release]
- Foverskov E, White JS, Frøslev T, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Hamad R. “Neighborhood disadvantage and birth outcomes among refugees.” Pediatrics 154(5): e2024065750, 2024. [Supplemental appendix]
- Mitnick M, Goodwin S, Bubna M, White JS, Raiff BR. “Acceptability of heart rate-based remote monitoring of smoking status.” Addictive Behaviors Reports 20: 100561, 2024.
- Schwartz GL, Kim MH, Wang G, Glymour MM, White JS, Collin DF, Hamad R.“Individual and regional differences in the effects of school racial segregation on Black students’ health.” SSM - Population Health 26: 101681, 2024.
- Khadka A, Pacca L, Glymour MM, Bibbins-Domingo K, White JS, Basu S, Jiang F, Vable AM. “Impact of Vietnam-era G.I. Bill eligibility on later-life blood pressure distribution: Evidence from the Vietnam draft lottery natural experiment.” American Journal of Epidemiology. Pre-print published online.
- Modrek S, Collin DF, Hamad R, White JS. “Medicaid expansion and maternal and infant health: A quasi-experimental study.” Maternal and Child Health Journal 24: 959–968, 2024. [Supplemental appendix]
- Kim MH, Frøslev T, White JS, Glymour MM, Ilango SD, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Hamad R. “Mediating pathways between neighborhood disadvantage and cardiovascular risk: Quasi-experimental evidence from a refugee dispersal policy in Denmark.” American Journal of Epidemiology. Pre-print published online. [Supplemental appendix] [Response to commentary]
- Wang G, White JS, Hamad R. “The end of court-ordered desegregation and U.S. children’s health: Quasi-experimental evidence.” American Journal of Epidemiology 193(11): 130-1540, 2024. [Supplemental appendix]
- Jackson KE, Hamad R, Karasek D, White JS. “Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and perinatal health: A quasi-experimental study.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 65(3): 366-376, 2023. [Corrigendum] [Supplemental appendix] [Press release]
- White JS, Basu S, Kaplan S, Madsen KA, Villas-Boas SB, Schillinger D. “Evaluation of the sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Oakland, United States, 2015-2019: A quasi-experimental and cost-effectiveness study.” PLoS Medicine 20(4): e1004212, 2023. [Supplemental appendix] [Press release]
- White JS, Salem MK, Toussaert S, Westmaas JL, Raiff BR, Crane D, Warrender E, Lyles C, Abroms L, Thrul J. “Developing a game (Inner Dragon) within a leading smartphone app for smoking cessation: Design and feasibility evaluation study.” JMIR Serious Games 11: e46602, 2023. [OSF page]
- Schwartz GL, Chiang AY, Wang G, Kim MH, White JS, Hamad R. “Testing mediating pathways between school segregation and health: Evidence on peer prejudice and health behaviors.” Social Science & Medicine 335: 116214, 2023. [Supplemental appendix]
- Villas-Boas S, Kaplan S, White JS, Hsia RY. “Adolescent total and mental health-related emergency department visits during the COVID-19 pandemic.” JAMA Network Open 6(10): e2336463, 2023. [Supplemental appendix] [Press release]
- Villas-Boas S, Kaplan S, White JS, Hsia RY. “Patterns of mental health-related emergency department visits during the COVID-19 pandemic.” JAMA Network Open 6(7): e2322720, 2023. [Supplemental appendix]
- Villas-Boas S, White JS, Kaplan S, Hsia R. "Trends in depression risk before and during the COVID-19 pandemic." PLoS One 18(5): e0285282, 2023. [Press release]
- Yuan P, Westmaas JL, Thrul J, Toussaert S, Hilton JF, White JS. “Effectiveness of peer-support interventions for smoking cessation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” Nicotine & Tobacco Research 25(9): 1515-1524, 2023. [Supplemental appendix] [OSF page]
- Pluta K, Hohl SD, D’Angelo H, Ostroff JS, Shelley D, Asvat Y, Chen L, Cummings KM, Dahl N, Day AT, Fleisher L, Goldstein AO, Hayes R, Hitsman B, Buckles DH, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Minion M, Presant C, Prochaska JJ, Shoenbill K, Simmons V, Taylor K, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Wiseman KP, Warren GW, Baker TB, Rolland B, Fiore MC, Salloum RG. “Data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of tobacco treatment programs in the NCI Moonshot Cancer Center Cessation Initiative.” Implementation Science Communications 4: 50, 2023.
- Kim MH, Foverskov E, Froslev T, White JS, Glymour MM, Hainmueller J, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Hamad R. “Neighborhood disadvantage and the risk of dementia and mortality among refugees to Denmark: A quasi-experimental study.” SSM - Population Health 21: 101312, 2023. [Supplemental appendix]
- Matthay EC, Smith ML, Glymour MM, White JS, Gradus JL. "Opportunities and challenges in using instrumental variables to study causal effects in nonrandomized stress and trauma research.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 15(6): 917-929, 2023.
- Foverskov E, White JS, Norredam M, Frøslev T, Kim MH, Glymour MM, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Hamad R. "Neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage and psychiatric disorders among refugees: A population-based, quasi-experimental study in Denmark." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 58(5):711-721, 2023. [Supplemental appendix]
- Triyana M, White JS. "Non-monetary incentives for tobacco prevention among youth in Indonesia." Journal of Health Economics 83: 102620, 2022. [Supplemental appendix] [Summary]
- Lyu JC, Afolabi A, White JS, Ling PM.“Perceptions and aspirations toward peer mentoring in social media-based electronic cigarette cessation interventions for adolescents and young adults: Focus group study.” JMIR Formative Research 6(12): e42538, 2022.
- Foverskov E, White JS, Frøslev T, Sørensen HT, Hamad R. "Risk of psychiatric disorders among refugee children and adolescents living in disadvantaged neighborhoods." JAMA Pediatrics 176(11): 1107–1114, 2022. [Supplemental appendix]
- Kim MH, Schwartz GL, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon SF, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Collin DF, Inamdar P, Hamad R. “School racial segregation and long-term cardiovascular health among Black adults in the U.S.: A quasi-experimental study.” PLoS Medicine 19(6): e1004031, 2022. [Supplementary appendix]
- Wang G, Schwartz GL, Kim MH, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon S, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Inamdar P, Hamad R. “School racial segregation and the health of Black children.” Pediatrics e2021055952, 2022. [Supplemental appendix]
- Roh ME, Mpimbaza A, Oundo B, Irish A, Murphy M, Wu SL, White JS, Shiboski S, Glymour MM, Gosling R, Dorsey G, Sturrock H “Association between indoor residual spraying and pregnancy outcomes: A quasi-experimental study from Uganda.” International Journal of Epidemiology 51(5): 1489-1501, 2022. [Supplemental appendix]
- Boettiger DC, White JS. “Effects of a minimum floor price law on cigarette use in Oakland, California: A static microsimulation model.” Preventive Medicine 145: 106444, 2021.
- Kim KM, White JS, Max W, Chapman SA, Muench U. “Evaluation of clinical and economic outcomes following implementation of a Medicare pay-for-performance program for surgical procedures.” JAMA Network Open 4(8): e2121115, 2021. [Supplemental appendix]
- Irish AM, White JS, Modrek S, Hamad R. “Paid family leave and mental health in the U.S.: A quasi-experimental study of state policies.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 61(2): 182-191, 2021. [Supplemental appendix]
- Falbe J, White JS, Sigala DM, Grummon AH, Solar SE, Powell LM. “The potential for healthy checkout policies to advance nutrition equity.” Nutrients 13(11): 4181, 2021.
- Salloum RG, D’Angelo H, Theis RP, Rolland B, Hohl S, Pauk D, LeLaurin JH, Asvat Y, Chen L-S, Day A, Goldstein A, Hitsman B, Hudson D, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Prochaska J, Smielauskas F, Taylor K, Thomas J, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Vogel WB, Warren GW, Fiore M. “Mixed-methods economic evaluation of the implementation of tobacco treatment programs in National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers.” Implementation Science Communications 2: 41, 2021.
- Collin DF, Shields-Zeeman LS, Batra A, White JS, Tong M, Hamad R. “The effects of state earned income tax credits on mental health and health behaviors: A quasi-experimental study.” Social Science & Medicine 276: 113274, 2021.
- Kadota JL, Nabwire S, Nalugwa T, White JS, Cattamanchi A, Katamba A, Shete PB. “Patient perspectives and willingness to accept incentives for tuberculosis diagnostic evaluation in Uganda.” Value in Health Regional Issues 25: 48-56, 2021.
- White JS, Lowenstein C, Srivirojana N, Jampaklay A, Dow WH. “Incentive programmes for smoking cessation: Cluster randomized trial in workplaces in Thailand.” BMJ 371: m3797, 2020. [Supplemental appendix and protocol]
- White JS, Ramos-Gomez F, Liu JX, Jue B, Finlayson TL, Garza JR, Crawford AH, Helman S, Santo W, Cheng J, Kahn JG, Gansky SA. "Monetary incentives for improving smartphone-measured oral hygeine behaviors in young children: A randomized pilot trial." PLOS One 15(7): e0236692, 2020. [Protocol] [Supplemental files]
- White JS, Toussaert S, Thrul J, Bontemps-Jones J, Abroms L, Westmaas JL. "Peer mentoring and automated text messaging for smoking cessation: A randomized pilot trial." Nicotine & Tobacco Research 22(3): 371–380, 2020. [Supplemental appendix] [OSF page]
- Hamad R, Öztürk B, Foverskov E, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Bøtker HE, White JS. "Association of neighborhood disadvantage with cardiovascular risk factors and events among refugees in Denmark." JAMA Network Open 3(8): e2014196, 2020.
- White JS, Vasconcelos G, Harding M, Carroll MM, Gardner CD, Basu S, Seligman HK. "Heterogeneity in the effects of food vouchers on nutrition among low-income adults: A quantile regression analysis." American Journal of Health Promotion 35(2): 279-283, 2021. [Supplemental appendix]
- Lowenstein C, Dow WH, White JS. "Peer effects in smoking cessation: An instrumental variables analysis of a worksite intervention in Thailand." SSM - Population Health 12: 100659, 2020. [Supplemental appendix]
- Boettiger DC, White JS. "Cigarette pack prices and sales following policy changes in California, 2011-2018.” American Journal of Public Health 110(7): 1002-1005, 2020. [Supplemental appendix]
- Buckell J, White JS, Shang C. “Can incentive-compatibility reduce hypothetical bias in smokers’ experimental choice behavior? A randomized discrete choice experiment.” Journal of Choice Modelling 37: 100255, 2020.
- Ramos-Gomez F, White JS, Lindau HE, Lin TK, Finlayson TL, Liu JX, Gansky SA. "Family monetary incentives as a value-based care model for oral hygiene: Rationale and design of the Behavioral Economics for Oral Health Innovation (BEECON) trial." Journal of Public Health Dentistry 80(S2): S17-S26, 2020.
- Lee BC, Modrek S, White JS, Batra A, Collin DF, Hamad R. "The effect of California’s paid family leave policy on parent health: A quasi-experimental study." Social Science & Medicine 251: 112915, 2020. [Supplemental appendix]
- Shang C, Weaver SR, White JS, Huang J, Nonnemaker J, Cheng KW, Chaloupka FJ. “ENDS product preferences among adult smokers: A discrete choice experiment.” Tobacco Regulatory Science 6(1): 66-80, 2020.
- Kim KM, Max W, White JS, Chapman SA, Muench U. “Do penalty-based pay-for-performance programs improve surgical care more effectively than other payment strategies? A systematic review.” Annals of Medicine and Surgery 60: 623-630, 2020.
- Chaffee BW, Werts M, White JS, Couch ET, Urata J, Cheng J, Kearns C. “Beverage advertisement receptivity associated with sugary drink intake and harm perceptions among California adolescents” American Journal of Health Promotion 35(4): 525-532, 2020.
- Onono MA, Rutherford GW, Bukusi EA, White JS, Goosby E, Brindis CD. “Political prioritization and the competing definitions of adolescent pregnancy in Kenya: An application of the Public Arenas Model.” PLOS One 15(9): e0238136, 2020.
- Raphael E, White JS, Li X, Cederin K, Glymour MM, Sundquist J, Sundquist K, Hamad R. "Association of neighborhood deprivation and mental health among refugees and non-refugee immigrants to Sweden." Epidemiology 31(3): e25-e27, 2020.
- Cai C, Runte J, Berry K, Ponce N, Rodriguez M, Bertozzi S, White JS, Kahn JG. “Projected costs of single-payer health care financing in the United States: A systematic review of economic analyses.” PLOS Medicine 17(1): e1003013, 2020.
- Onono M, Brindis CD, White JS, Goosby E, Okoro D, Bukusi EA, Rutherford GW. “Challenges to generating political prioritization for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Kenya: A qualitative study." PLOS One 14(12): e0226426, 2019.
- Basu S, Gardner CD, White JS, Rigdon J, Carroll MM, Akers M, Seligman HK. "Effects of alternative food voucher delivery strategies on nutrition among low-income adults: A randomized community-based trial.'' Health Affairs 38(4): 577–584, 2019. [Supplemental appendix]
- Hamad R, Modrek S, White JS. "Paid family leave effects on breastfeeding: A quasi-experimental study of U.S. policies." American Journal of Public Health 109(1): 164–166, 2019. [Supplemental appendix]
- Modrek S, Basu S, Harding M, White JS, Bartick M, Rodriguez E, Rosenberg KD. “Does breastfeeding duration decrease child obesity? An instrumental variables analysis.” Pediatric Obesity 12(4): 304-311, 2017. [Supplemental appendix]
- White JS, Hamad R, Xinjun L, Basu S, Ohlsson H, Sundquist J, Sunduist K. "Long-term effects of neighbourhood deprivation on diabetes risk: Quasi-experimental evidence from a refugee dispersal policy in Sweden." The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 4(6): 517-524, 2016. [Supplemental appendix]
- White JS, Basu S. “Does the benefits schedule of cash assistance programs affect the purchase of temptation goods? Evidence from Peru.” Journal of Health Economics 46: 70-89, 2016.
- White JS, Ross H. "Smokers' strategic responses to sin taxes: Evidence from panel data in Thailand." Health Economics 24(2): 127-141, 2015.
- Basu S, Hamad R, White JS, Modrek S, Rehkopf DH, Cullen MR. “The EARN-Health Trial: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial to identify health effects of an incentivized financial savings program among low-income U.S. adults.” BMJ Open 5(10): e009366, 2015.
- Li J, White JS, Hu T, Fong G, Jiang Y. "The heterogeneous effects of cigarette prices on brand choice in China: Implications for tobacco control policy." Tobacco Control 24(Supp 3): iii25-iii32, 2015.
- White JS, Li J, Hu T, Fong G, Jiang Y. "Effect of cigarette prices on brand-switching in China." Tobacco Control 23(Supp 1): i54-i60, 2014.
- White JS, Dow WH, Rungruanghiranya S. "Commitment contracts and team incentives: A randomized controlled trial for smoking cessation in Thailand." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 45(5): 533-542, 2013. (Lead article) [Supplemental appendix]
- Speizer IS, White JS. "The unintended consequences of intended pregnancies: Youth, condom use, and HIV transmission in Mozambique." AIDS Education and Prevention 20(6): 531-546, 2008.
- Barden-O’Fallon J, Speizer IS, White JS. "Association between contraceptive discontinuation and pregnancy intentions in Guatemala." Pan-American Journal of Public Health 23(6): 410-417, 2008.
- White JS, Speizer IS. "Can family planning outreach bridge the urban-rural divide in Zambia?" BMC Health Services Research 7(143): 1-9, 2007.
- Mays G, Claxton G, White J. "Managed care rebound? Recent changes in health plans’ cost containment strategies." Health Affairs, 24(W4): 427-436, 2004.
- Hurley R, Strunk B, White JS. "The puzzling popularity of the PPO." Health Affairs 23(2): 56-68, 2004.
- White JS, Hamad R. “Paid family leave and acute respiratory tract infections.” JAMA Pediatrics. Published online August 26, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.3181. [Press release and Q&A]
- White JS. “Capsule commentary on Shapiro et. al., Impact of a patient-centered behavioral economics intervention on hypertension control in a highly disadvantaged population: A randomized trial.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 35(1): 400, 2020.
- White JS. "Monetary incentives for smoking cessation in workplaces." The Lancet Public Health 3(11): e511–e512, 2018.
- White JS. "Incentives in workplace wellness programmes." The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 4(12): 967-969, 2016.
Book Chapters
- Dow WH, White JS, Bertozzi SM. “Incentivizing health care utilization and health outcomes." In Handbook of Global Health Economics and Public Policy, edited by R. Scheffler. London, UK: World Scientific Publishing, 2016.
- White JS, Dow WH. “Intertemporal choices for health.” In Behavioral Economics and Public Health, edited by C. Roberto and I. Kawachi. Boston, MA: Oxford University Press, 2015. [Pre-print]
- Gold M, White JS, Taylor E. "The Medicaid Managed Care Program." In To Improve Health and Health Care, Volume IX: the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Anthology, edited by S. Isaacs and J. Knickman. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2005.
Monographs and Reports
- Dow WH, White JS. “Incentivizing use of health care." United Nations Population Division. Expert Paper No. 2013/13, 2013.
- White JS. “A team-based behavioral economics experiment on smoking cessation.” Ph.D. Dissertation, UC Berkeley, 2013. Chair: William H. Dow.
- White JS. “Early effects of poverty reduction strategies on health spending and service delivery.” Master’s Thesis, UNC Chapel Hill, 2007. Principal advisor: Sally C. Stearns.
- White JS, Black W, Ireys H. "Explaining enrollment trends and participant characteristics of the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2002-2003." Report submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2005.
- White JS, Hurley R, Strunk B. "Getting along or going along: Health plan-provider contract showdowns subside." Issue brief. Washington, DC: Center for Studying Health System Change, 2004.
- Gold M, Taylor E, Krissik T, Mittler J, White J. "Evaluation of the Medicaid Managed Care Program of the Center for Health Care Strategies: Overview of results." Final report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2004.
- White JS, Draper D. "Review of the literature on administration and policy development for Medicaid mental health and substance abuse services." Report submitted to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2004.
- White JS, Gold M. "The Medicaid Managed Care Program of the Center for Health Care Strategies: Program summary." Report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2004.
- White JS, Howell J. "Evaluation of CHCS’ Medicaid Managed Care Program: Results from a survey of new State Medicaid Directors." Contributing report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2004.
- Liu S, Ireys HT, White JS, Black W. "Enrollment patterns and medical expenditures for Medicaid Buy-In participants in five states." Report submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, 2004.
- Hoadley JF, Draper DA, Kuo S, Cunningham PJ, Mittler J, Nichols LM, Bazzoli GJ, White J. "Health care market stabilizes, but rising costs and state budget woes loom in Boston." Community Report 12 of 12, Fourth Visit of the Community Tracking Study, 2002-2003. Washington, DC: Center for Studying Health System Change, 2003.
- Ireys HT, Thornton C, White JS. "The Medicaid Buy-In Program: Quantitative measures of enrollment trends and participant characteristics in 2002." Report submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2003.